We have multiple Villages at Camp Campbell.
YMCA assumes no responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property. Do not bring unnecessary items, illegal substances, fireworks, pets, or weapons (of any kind). None are not allowed on the premises.
We will be sharing the campground with other parties that weekend, as we only have one of the villages of the campgrounds for ourselves. This means it is important we respect the curfew for noise.
Along the California coast, we have sunshine, cold wind, heavy fog, and driving rain - sometimes on the same day! Dressing in layers is the easiest way to respond to the changeable weather. Long pants are suggested for every season, since it’s rarely hot.
What is provided
We have dorms with bunk beds, mattresses, heating, electrical outlets, a common bathroom, and hot showers.
What is not available or allowed
YMCA Camp Campbell does not employ on-site medical staff for guest bookings, nor are we liable for emergency medical needs on-site for guests.
Drinking water is readily available but cups for water or other drinks are not available, not even for water. Everybody must bring their own water bottles.
Medical services, supplies and first-aid kits are not available.
Kitchen facilities will not be available for cooking, storing, refrigerating or preparing your own food. (You may bring pre-packaged snacks).
Cell phones will not have reception.
Internet service is not availasble.
Pets are not allowed. The YMCA is very strict about this.
We will not have access to any of the following: archery range, zip line, swimming pool, climbing tower, horseback riding, canoeing, ropes course, or the basketball courts. Thats ok - we are yogis and have other ways to enjoy our time.
What you must bring
The YMCA does not provide any of the following. You must bring it yourself:
Your own sleeping bag, bedsheet, blankets, and pillow with case.
Extra sleeping bags, bedsheets, blankets, and pillows too for out-of-state yogis, for sitting in the hangar, and for treatments.
Sahaj Seminar Things
Clothes that are appropriate for doing Sahaj treatments (ie. you don't mind if they get soiled or dirty).
Puja clothes.
Mantra and bhajan books.
Prasad (home-made only; store bought is not allowed).
Footsoak tub + jug.
Candle holders.
Blankets and mats for sitting during meditation and havan.
Personal Care
Your own first-aid kits, medical supplies, and medication
Soap and shampoo
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Bath towel, wash cloth
Sunscreen (#15+)
Lip balm
Warm jacket or raincoat
Long sleeve shirts and T-shirts
Long pants
Slippers for the shower
Hat for shade, and for cold weather
Closed-toe shoes
Extra socks
Flashlight and extra batteries
Day pack
Travel locks (there is no private storage for your belongings)
Your own reusable water bottle (disposable water bottles are not allowed by the YMCA).
Your own snacks to tide you over during the day time and at night (should not require storage or refrigeration; dried fruits are a good idea).